Full Moon Eclipse – A New Light

Our next celestial event in this ‘Season of Eclipse’ is the full moon Lunar Eclipse which ripens on Wednesday, March 23rd. With the sun in Aries and moon in Libra, this eclipse activates the cardinal axis of Initiation.

There are four cardinal signs; Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Each one symbolizes a unique aspect of taking action. Aries and Cancer address your activity in personal and family or other core issues; Libra and Capricorn take action in the relationship or outer realm.

Aries is the time and place when activate your pioneer spirit, and step out on a new journey.

And, this full moon invites us all to see the world in a New Light –a new way of living, a new way to thrive.
The recent Pisces solar eclipse (March 8th) triggered a time to wash away fears and lingering emotions of the past, and now the full moon delivers your evaluation point. The questions to ask are:

What came up for YOU? How did it FEEL? What did you do about it?

For me, the solar eclipse brought up family issues through the death (Pisces= end of life) of a brother- in-law. True to form, the solar eclipse triggered an event that I had absolutely no control over.

I felt indefinably sad. I was not well acquainted with the deceased, but his death brought up emotions around my grandparents who passed many years ago. I also mourned for my sister who has put on her brave face, and now has to carry on. And it even left me to thinking about my own passing.

But there was a huge gift in this loss, because it made me physically (Sun) reconnect with lost members of my family. And, now, in synchronicity with the stars, I am seeing my siblings in a new light as the full moon Lunar eclipse delivers new life (Aries) to my relationship (Libra) with my entire family.

Not every eclipse will impact everyone so dramatically; it depends on whether or not the eclipse degree activates something in your natal or progressed chart. Being able to predict and understand life events is a good reason to know about the Divine Plan revealed in your own chart.

Green Comet (NASA)

image credit (NASA)

The timing of this week’s full moon and Lunar eclipse coincides with a dramatic comet encounter – two comets actually are drawing close to the earth. Their names are Comet 252P Linear, and Ba14 PanStarrs, and they are both emerald in color.

Notably, on March 22nd, PanStarrs (thought to be a breakaway part of larger 252P) will make the second closest known passage of a comet from the Earth in the history of observational astronomy.

Here is a link to a great article detailing some of the events associated with comets; http://www.astro.com/astrology/aa_article141030_e.htm

Comets are travelers through space and time who come to our Solar system and can be thought of as bringing new ‘Light’, wisdom and knowledge from far away.

Symbolically, you can think of the comet and its tail as a broom coming in to sweep away debris of the past. Historically, comets have coincided with events taking place on the earth.

The cosmic calendar is inviting you to not only survive, but to thrive.

Find out, and schedule your reading HERE

©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

New Moon Solar Eclipse – Chiron and Your Higher Self

This an exciting and unique time in the stars; Tuesday delivers a divinely inspired new moon solar eclipse.

Oceanic Neptune stands guard. Some see Neptune as a sweet mermaid swimming in bubbles; others see Neptune as a mysterious tangle of kelp protecting the riches of the sea.

No matter how you see Neptune, he/she works undercover and is a perfect companion for the shapeshifter Chiron.

To understand this eclipse, you must know about Chiron, the asteroid discovered in the 1970’s. Chiron is also thought of as the wounded healer of astrology.

His name comes from the Greek word ‘Cheir’ which means ‘hand’ and is the same core word as chiropractic – the art and practice of one who uses their hands to heal their patients. Also, the word Christ, or Christos, has the same Greek root.

Thought to be a comet that was captured by the gravitational field of the Sun, Chiron is known as a shapeshifter, and even his name can be thought of as a noun, a verb, and an adjective.

Chiron is a maverick, and he catalyzes your unique healing journey. Chiron is not only the healer, but a place to do the work, and even the process of healing.

Chiron even represents the decision to heal and if necessary, taking the steps to do so; even if it means reaching your hand out to another for help.

Ask – and Receive

Chiron also rules divination – the art of interpretation of a message from a divine source. This source may be a connection with your own, Higher Self, or, a union of a soul group.

There are many forms of divination; dowsing , working with a pendulum, tarot cards, astrology, intuitive readings, body work, runes, even stones sticks as thrown by an African bush healer are all forms of divination.

Through divination you receive a message that bypasses the logical mind.

Jupiter and the karmic north node also stand guard for this eclipse – leading you to the open door of unlimited possibilities.

Tune in – and connect with your own higher self, you are receiving messages and guidance on how to heal yourself as well as the world. Get a reading, or a body work treatment. Pay attention and listen to what the Universe is saying to YOU.

It’s your invitation. Dimensions are opening as time and space flow into the expansive world of all that can be.

Heaven on Earth is possible; it’s your promise, and also your assignment.

Read more here on CHIRON and the HEALING CODE

Find out, and schedule your reading HERE

©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Virgo Full Moon – Planetary Healing

Chiron opposing Jupiter on February 23d activates a Divine Healing Code for the planet.

Chiron opposing Jupiter on February 23d activates a Divine Healing Code for the planet.

The sun now flows through the mutable water sign of Pisces, and on Monday, February 22nd we welcome the Virgo full moon.

Pisces and Virgo are mutable signs, a quality which corresponds to adaptability. (The other two mutable signs are Sagittarius and Gemini.)

Mutable signs have a natural spiritual bent as they are the ones who most easily seek counsel and gain wisdom. With an open heart and mind, we merge naturally with the Divine during the mutable season.

Inner Work
One of the domains of Virgo is ‘Inner Work’. It’s a word that everybody uses, but what does it mean?  Inner work is introspection aligned with a commitment to apply your wisdom and insight.

Inner work expands your capacity to transform how you feel, which in turn impacts your everyday life.

Graciously, the mutable nature of Virgo/Pisces facilitates the formation of new patterns.

Virgo invites you to ‘go deep’, even visit your inner hell, so that you can emerge with the diamond of your souls brightest Light. And Pisces energy helps you do it with compassion and love for yourself and others.

Letting go – Effortlessly
When you’re really ready, an old pattern or habit will release its grip as you let go of the reasons for holding on.

How to Activate Your Healing Code
Cleanse and Purify. Pisces is a sign of spiritual redemption, and Virgo one of physical purification. Get clean and clear with your motivations, dig deeply, and remove psychological roots, habits, and patterns that have prolonged decay in your life.

Cultivate Your Sacred Space. A resting place for the divine in your home reminds your soul that what is nameless has a presence, and it grounds the gifts of Spirit into your life.

Jupiter is home to the Archangels and Ascended Masters

Jupiter is home to the Archangels and Ascended Masters

The Healing Code of Chiron
All healing work is now emphasized through the Chiron/Jupiter opposition, exact on Tuesday, February 23rd. Jupiter expands whatever he touches – for better or worse.

Broadly, Jupiter is associated with ‘good luck’, but Jupiter is often present at the time of death, mercifully granting a peaceful passing.

I’ve also seen Jupiter perform as a blessing in disguise when my client faced a job loss because the truth was, that individual was in the wrong position and needed to make a change.

Sometimes our ‘good luck’ comes in unanticipated ways.

The North and South nodes are also involved in this full moon lineup; the North node conjunct Jupiter and the South node joined with Chiron.

Energetically, we are in a reverberation chamber (Chiron) as old negative (South node)  energies are stirred up to be dissipated and transformed.

Jupiter opposing Chiron initiates a blessed (Jupiter) vibratory shift in consciousness (North node) for the individual and for all of the earth.

Connect with this Full Moon and listen carefully because it’s your time to lay a foundation for a new energetic template.

Heaven on Earth is possible; it’s your promise, and also your assignment.

Read more here on CHIRON and the HEALING CODE

Find out, and schedule your reading HERE

©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Aquarius New Moon


Aquarius_frontThe Healing Power of Love – Aquarius New Moon

I had a lot of fun today getting the Feng Shui adjusted in my home to welcome the Chinese year of the Fire Monkey. The word Feng Shiu refers to ‘wind and water’, and just like in nature, the energies in your home change with the New Year. My home office changes to the fire element this year, and I’m looking forward to a busy and productive year ahead.

Pluto has supposedly been demoted from the realm of planets, but I assure you that he is still a teacher in astrology. Two days before the new moon, Venus, the planet (teacher) of self-worth conjuncts Pluto. This aspect presents an invitation to unite your passion (Pluto) with who or what you love (Venus).

Pluto and Venus opened the doors on Friday, and the Aquarius new moon on Monday initiates a path to healing on the emotional, physical, and spiritual levels.

Aquarius teaches us to care for humanity, to love others, but first, you love yourself – passionately.
Venus conjunct Pluto last week initiated  a ‘go for it’ time – so if you’ve been waiting for the perfect moment to envision your next project, this is your weekend to get engaged as the new moon signals a time for new beginnings.

The Healing Power of Love
To fully understand any sun sign, it’s helpful to look at its opposite. In this case, it’s Leo. Have you noticed that the Age of Aquarius, (peace, love, and humanity) has brought about an explosion selfies, YouTube, viral videos; anybody can be the star of their own show.

Venus conjunct Pluto just before the new moon invokes healthy expression into the YOU of the Aquarius/Leo axis.
Spiritually, Aquarius is the sign that tears down walls and breaks through barriers. It’s also a sign that teaches you to overcome ego (Leo) and move into Universal well-being.

Sometimes it’s our own ego’s that create problems by not wanting to change. Or, the ego may be fearful of a new condition, even is the logical mind can establish that a change is good.

Harness the power of this new moon to move past barriers set up by your monkey mind. Aquarius has two planetary rulers; Saturn the traditional ruler, (before Uranus was discovered), and now, Uranus.

Both planets have big messages. Saturn speaks to the fixed air (stubborn) quality of Aquarius, but you can allow Saturn to regulate safety rather than restriction. Uranus breaks the iron grip of Saturn’s fear.

Uranus is a rebel, but also an enforcer of cosmic laws. Greek Mythology teaches that Uranus was the original creator, the child of Gaia, Mother Earth. Ancient Hindu philosophy presents Uranus as ‘Varuna’ (now most closely aligned with Brahma) the divine creator.

The planets teach that when you move in accordance with Divine Law, you are protected.

This new moon asks: What would you do if you know you could not fail?

And, this week, as always – let your Light shine.

Find out, and schedule your reading HERE

©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Leo Full Moon January 22

sacred_space_smWhat a beautiful full moon! Night by night it has been growing, and on Saturday at 6:46 pm (Pacific) the moon peaks full, perfectly in time with sunset.

For the moon to rise just as the sun sets is great timing- be sure to get out and take a look. The full moon is your time of harvest and I wish you the blessings of a fertile field.

The Heart of the Sun
This moon ripens in Leo, the sign associated with the Sun. it may be cold where you are, but this Leo full moon is warm in nature. The moon has no light of its own, and is always reflecting the Light of the Sun.  One of Leo’s lessons is about heart – to be brave and follow you own heart; to be big-hearted; to even be vulnerable to love.

I have always loved the days when the Sun is passing through Aquarius because the light has a peculiar glow; whether in the northern or southern hemisphere, there is a special quality to way the sun filters through the trees.

And, Aquarius holds wisdom for the highest expression of Leo. Opposite signs work to balance and correct each other and the Aquarius/Leo axis is one of service founded in love over a desire for recognition. Authenticity is another good key word for Leo; allow this full moon to inspire you to connect authentically.

Timing is Everything
Mercury makes each moment vital right now. Mercury stations, or stands still, at 15/16 degrees Capricorn, the same degree occupied by Pluto this week. The station is like an exclamation point. On January 22nd, Mercury (still retrograde) joined Pluto and again on January 29th Pluto and Mercury form a second union – this time with Mercury direct.

You see it today as adjustments (Mercury) in the financial markets (Pluto). Historically, Mercury and Pluto working together have brought stress to world markets, but take heart, financial astrologer Barbara Koval mentions in her book, ‘Time & Money’, that markets generally crash in the autumn, i.e. Black Monday of October 19, 1987 (Mercury conjunct Pluto on that day!) and September of 2008.

Interestingly, my research did reveal that many market ‘panics’ occurred in January, (1819, 1837 1857), but not market crashes. True to Koval’s words, the crashes have historically been August, September, and October with adjustment periods being January and also May.

You can use the dynamic energy of Mercury and Pluto to connect with your Life Purpose and reenergize your life. Let this amazing full moon inspire your heart as Mercury whispers the messages of your soul mission that is ripening. Reconnect, revitalize, rejuvenate, and resolve to make this your best year ever!

And, this week, as always – let your Light shine.

Where does this Leo Full Moon play in YOUR chart? logo_signaturesm1
Find out, and schedule your reading HERE

©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Astro Star Cast – January 11

circle_edit_smThis is a week filled with opportunities.

On Monday, January 11, the Aquarius moon interacts with Saturn, Venus, and even Uranus through a favorable sextile.

The sextile is like a rowboat – you must dip your oars into the water to gain momentum, but you have everything you need to get going.

Plan (Saturn) something you love (Venus) and welcome the unexpected (Uranus) benefit of your endeavor.

The New Moon on Saturday set the tone for a cycle of growth as Saturday’s powerful Capricorn New Moon joined with Pluto, the planet of irrevocable change.

New Moon of January 9th signaled a fresh start as well as a time to plan for the next 6 months. On July 19th, the Capricorn New Moon of January ripens into a Full Moon, again in Capricorn – so, you have 6 months to plan ahead and work towards fulfillment of your intentions.

Here is a simple Manifestation Plan for the 2016 Capricorn lunation cycle:

January to July – 4 Step Manifestation Plan
Unite with your heartemotion is the secret of Capricorn, the SEA- goat; practicality plus revelation
Connect with your visionthe Capricorn gets a view from the highest peaks of realization
Come up with a planprivate time gives you space to listen to your inner guidance
Visualize your harvest connect with the bountiful crop that is an outpouring of your creative desires

Plant Your Seeds in Fertile Groundrich_benefit
Every day this week is lined up to present opportunity.

As the moon slips into Pisces on Tuesday, Venus and Uranus have a playdate, igniting a fiery trine between Venus in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries.

Energetically, this aspect invites you to try something new – go someplace you’ve never been before and meet a new friend.

Venus trine Uranus  helps open your heart to romance. Uranus does not always manifest long lasting love, but he often softens your heart, allowing Venus to walk in.

One of the best days this week is Wednesday, January 13th when the Sun forms a welcoming trine to Jupiter, the planet of good luck. There is a subtle difference in aspects whether the faster moving planet is ahead or behind the slower moving planet, and when I peel back the layers of this one, it looks ever more dramatic.

This is a waxing, or growing trine; the Sun is ahead of Jupiter and moving towards a Sun/Jupiter opposition on the Solar Eclipse of March 8th.

So, the planetary invitation is to embody, or activate, express your growth now – don’t wait thinking that things are going to change much without your participation – including your good luck.

I guess that bodes well for some of the lucky Powerball players, and, whether or not you win the record jackpot – it’s still a lucky week. Make the most of it.

Next, on Thursday, Mercury trines Jupiter, another aspect of luck; we all know that a major part of good luck is really timing combined with effort. This aspect between Mercury and Jupiter supports good decision making; your mind (Mercury) is balanced and our efforts are rewarded (Jupiter).

Even though Mercury is retrograde, this is another waxing trine, one that will be duplicated again on February 6th and ‘ripens’ or completes, on March 15th.

This week culminates with a dynamic 1st quarter moon in Aries – the sign and lunation cycle for taking action. Overall, the joy of this week’s message is:
The fertile ground is today; the here and now; the power of living in the moment.

And, this week, as always – let your Light shine.

Where does this New Moon play in YOUR chart? logo_signaturesm1
Find out, and schedule your reading HERE

©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy