Star Cast Predictions for November 6

My key phrase for this week is: In Perfect Timing

The major planetary event this week is Saturn trine Uranus which becomes exact on Saturday, November 11th . Because these two are slow moving planets, we will be experiencing the build up of this aspect all week.

As social planets, the issues are evident in the problems facing the world now –how and where to draw the line between personal freedom and social responsibility.

And although true personal transformation comes through spiritual growth and change, the issues being brought forth through Saturn and Uranus are largely practical; issues of governance, social norms, laws, and justice.

Keeping in mind that the trine is a favorable aspect, this one suggests that there IS a way forward, a path will be forged that ultimately serves the highest order of balance.

However, we are undeniable in the birth process, and there is pressure on many fronts. As positive evolutionary beings , the path forward must include conscious self care.

Even when the world appears to be chaotic, you must be diligent and take time to nurture your self, your life, your family, friends, your business, your home.

This week also brings us to the last quarter moon cycle – a time to evaluate and even prepare to let some things go. Being in the sign of Leo, this one is an opportunity to release old resentments and feelings of not being respected. We all know that it’s not healthy to hang on to these old energetic patterns.

Venus entering Scorpio on Tuesday, November 7th is an invitation to clear old negativity. Scorpio has three symbols, the Scorpion, the Eagle, and the Phoenix.

Venus in the Scorpion mode tries to hurt others, but only ends up hurting one’s self. Venus as the Eagle can rise above old hurts, but has not really gone through the total purification process.

The ultimate lesson here is to rise to the level of the Phoenix – to  fully release and transforme old emotional wounds. This is the true gift available to us all as Venus moves through Scorpio from November 7th – 30.  It’s done through awareness of your thought patterns, and healing old emotional loops and complexes.

This week, you choose whether to see our cup as half full, or half empty. You decide that if and when life hands you lemons that you choose to make lemonade.

There are many stresses and challenges in the world today, but you also stand at the dawn of creation – your empowerment to be a co-creator with the very matrix of Life. Choose wisely.

Wishing you many blessings as you reach for the stars!


Star Cast Predictions for Oct 30

Hello and Welcome to my weekly Star Cast, where I bring you the update on what’s happening in the world of astrology – and how you can apply the wisdom to enrich your life here on earth.

My key phrase for this week is: The Power of Your Intention

This week begins with the moon in Pisces – the last sign of the zodiac.

And, to set the stage for Halloween which is on Tuesday, the Pisces moon conjuncts Neptune late on Monday. Prepare to have your intuition turned on to super power status.

In mythology, Neptune is shown as a male figure such as Posiedon, the man of the sea in charge of his many white maned horses that do his bidding in the form of waves.

However, Neptune also has a feminine side; the he/she of Neptune, like Mercury, is gender neutral. Neptune and the deep oceanic realm can be a place of love – a place that nurtures and feeds new growth.

So, as the Moon conjuncts Neptune today in Pisces, take time to tune into your deepest desires, and know that the answers to your wants and needs are just a call away. The answer comes as you shine your Light of intention to create clarity. When your desires are clearly stated, the Universe can then spring into manifestation mode.

Dare to dream during this week when ancients taught that the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is lessened. Take a peek into the future you want to create for 2018 – the New Year that is not really so far into the future.

Last week we all received the bonus of Sun conjunct Jupiter, and this week, the Taurus Full Moon on Friday, November 3rd invites you to solidify your vision.

The sign of Taurus presents a double edged sword – one side is the path of letting things just ‘be’ , like the comfortable bull grazing in the grass, to just stay content and bask in the glow of previous accomplishments.

The other side of the Sword of Taurus, however, is absolute manifestation of your next step. Think of Taurus like a freight train – hard to get going but once in motion, unstoppable.

On Friday we have another major planetary aspect – Venus opposing Uranus.

Venus and Uranus in any aspect invite thinking outside the box and being open to a new paradigm – a new way of thinking, seeing, and being in the world. And, the opposition is an invitation to break from your normal, every day patterns.

When you hear the word ‘Opposition ‘you can always substitute it for ‘Awareness’.

An opposition invokes the energy of Other, as in – that other person made me do it, or, somebody else has all the power, you know, that endless list of justifying blame . And, awareness is the key to power in opposition, become aware of how much power you give away. Really, it’s that simple – don’t give your power away.

The Moon conjunct Neptune on Monday invites your tune into the power of your own Intuition!!

And, as we enter into this week which culminates in the Taurus Full Moon on Friday, be aware that it’s a special time for manifestation using the Power of your Intention.

PS – Be sure grab a copy of my free eBook; How to Manifest Your Best Life when you sign up for my weekly newsletter.

Wishing you many blessings as you reach for the stars!


Astrology Star Cast Predictions for Oct 3

Hello and Welcome to my weekly Star Cast, where I bring you the update on what’s happening in the world of astrology – and how you can apply the wisdom to enrich your life here on earth.

My key phrase for this week is: Understanding the Flow

This week began with a subtle Pisces Moon. Pisces is a mutable water sign, and one of the gifts of Pisces is being able to go with the flow.

Water signs are emotional, and when the moon is in any water sign, it’s a good time to get in touch with your deepest feelings. Let the Universe reveal your next step, rather than marching off with a mission.

There are two major planetary aspects that will be present with us all week – Venus trine Pluto on Tuesday, Oct 3rd, and Venus conjunct Mars on Thursday, Oct 5th.

Note that these are both activities of the planet Venus, so the issues on the forefront this week will have to do with our Values.

Venus delivers the good things of life – love, security, beauty, and even money. But underneath the goodness of Venus lies the issue of what do you really value.

For example, do you you value time over money or – freedom over commitment? The true lesson of Venus is to come to terms with your own inner guidance system.

Venus trine Pluto on Tuesday invites you to dig into your emotional navigation system and to identify your own true North – what do you really hold dear?

Venus conjunct Mars at the full moon on Thursday gives us all a spark of added energy – zest appeal.

Aries Full Moon – October 5th at 12 degrees Aries

Also on Thursday, we welcome the Aries New Moon. This full moon is noted as a time of regeneration. A time when you can celebrate a rebirth. Like a new born baby, Aries grants a fresh, new start.

These are the gifts of Aries:

Invokes Courage; Takes Action; Activates Your Leadership; Inspires Your Independence; and Fuels Your Pioneering Spirit.

So, take your courage in hand, and celebrate the fresh new start that this Aries New moon invites for your life.

Wishing you a week of clarity, balance, deep insight, and above all – Peace.

Wishing you many blessings as you reach for the stars!

Astrology Star Cast for Aug 26

Hello and Welcome to my weekly Star Cast, where I bring you the update on what’s happening in the world of astrology – and how you can apply the wisdom to enrich your life here on earth.

My key phrase for this week is: BreakingThrough Illusion

This week begins with a dramatic Sagittarius moon making a dynamic square aspect to three planets, Venus, Neptune, and Mars.

The square is a call to action, and this aspect to Mars alone is a clarion call to get moving. In addition to the lunar squares, Mercury square Saturn sets the tone.

Mercury and Saturn will dearly help you refine just exactly what is the best way to proceed, so, if you’ve been looking, or even asking for clarity – take heed to the good advice you receive to begin this week.

It’s worth mentioning that on Sunday, Sept 24th; we had another dynamic and helpful planetary aspect – Mars opposing Neptune.

Neptune and Mars have a symbiotic relationship regarding what needs purification, (or call it intervention) and the positive side of this aspect, which will still be helping us all week, is that you gain clarity.

So, this week is off to a great start – the secret to success is don’t become overwhelmed by the burden of what is NOT; rather, focus on what IS, and take action to manifest what can be.

On Friday of this week, Venus also opposes Neptune – assisting in the theme this week of breaking up illusion (and confusion).

Wednesday, September 27th delivers another major planetary aspect – an opposition between Jupiter and Uranus. With this development, you can expect more examples of idealism in the news.

Both planets are blustery in nature – Jupiter likes authority and order, and Uranus likes chaos.

Your opportunity as a conscious and awake being is to maintain peace in your own center – walk your talk of being awake and aware, of being centered and grounded, and being a force for goodness on this earth.

The challenge with this opposition is  distraction, and the gift is the opportunity for an absolute paradigm shift – use this energy wisely to improve your world. Note the the word opposition, and opportunity have the same core of “opponere’ which means ‘to set against’.

The winning values in the opposition are: Peace, Love, and Agreement; move into the beauty that the planets are inviting you to live.

Wishing you a week of clarity, balance, deep insight, and above all – Peace.

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Astrology Star Cast for August 7

Shifting Gears

Greetings magical being! You’re here at a special time and place – a moment like no other.

This week is a time to harmonize the full moon eclipse energies and prepare for the upcoming solar eclipse on August 21st.

A lot can happen in two weeks.

Planetary precision is exquisite these days. Notably, Mercury stations retrograde this week on Saturday at 12 degrees Virgo. Virgo is about details, and this Mercury retrograde will purify situations that have had a shiny cover applied to disguise a muddy interior. Mercury is on clean out mission.

Retrograde Mercury revisits the solar eclipse degree, 29 Leo, on Friday/Saturday, September 1 /2nd. Mercury next stations direct at 28 Leo on September 5th.

Think of this as a firecracker being lit that adds celestial fire to the Solar Eclipse.

On Sept 3rd and 4th, Mars forms two major aspects:
Mars trine Uranus on Sept 2 and Mercury conjunct Mars on Sept 3rd.

Mercury then stations direct at 28 Leo, (still within the eclipse degree) on Sept 5th, just before the Pisces full moon on Sept 6th.

This is a ton of information, and if you’re one of many, whose head spins when seeing and hearing Astro*Tech, take heart. Your take away, please, is to:

1)    Remain calm and carry on; enjoy the show.
2)    Look within, and take action that purifies your own body, heart, and soul.
3)    Stabilize. Like a ship on the ocean, you must balance of all your systems.

Use this week, August 7 – 13 to modulate your energies.

Every full moon is a time of awareness when the sun and moon are in opposition in the sky.

The opposition  brings up an either-or situation which is emphasized with the dynamic Aquarius/Leo eclipse.

Saturn is the Pearl in your Oyster!

Astrology teaches to dig into the planetary rulers for insight, and if you look at the ancient ruler of Aquarius, then Saturn comes up as an ace card. (Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius, but Hellenistic astrology defers to Saturn, and there is a pearl in this oyster.)

Saturn makes you take a hard look and prioritize. The gift of Saturn is longevity, so, if this lunar eclipse has brought you to an either/or situation, study the rules of Saturn to make your decision.

Overall, this is a mellow week wrapped in colorful cellophane of eclipses. You’ll find the space to make necessary shifts to get yourself up to the warp speed that lies ahead. Enjoy.

Schedule your COMBO reading HERE

Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer, helping you find your Best Place on the earth for love and money.

Astrology Star Cast for July 18

Energetically, the week between last quarter and the next new moon of July 23rd is a time to get your bearings and make adjustments.

It’s a time for critical thought that grants you a unique perspective to reflect on the past and peer into your future. In short, it’s an essential time to refine your goals made around the time of new moon on June 23rd.

How are you doing on your fulfillment held within the arms of Pluto and the full Moon of July 8th? Remember, even a small shift can give birth to a new pathway of expression.

If you’re feeling a bit off-course, there are several planetary aspect this week to assist your distillation of the full moon/Pluto wine.

The week is flavored by two sharp squares; Venus square Neptune and Mars square Uranus.

The square is a cosmic wake up call intended to get your attention. Sadly, Venus square Neptune rips off the rose-colored glasses. Venus is breezing through Gemini now, and although she is not particularly emotional, she has the gift of clairsentience (clear seeing) in her relationship to Neptune in Pisces.

The Redemption of Mars

Mars stands guard in a state of solidarity through his challenging square to Uranus. Mars square Uranus doesn’t always feel fair. When ‘the Soldier’ (Mars) challenges ‘the Revolutionary’ (Uranus), anything can happen.

Keep in mind, though, that Uranus changes only that which desperately needs change.

When Uranus strikes, expect the unexpected.

On one level, it seems like everything that can go wrong is doing so. But, as you see these changes in the world, remember that you also have a great opportunity to transform your personal life now.

Not only does Mars square Uranus on July 17th, but the new moon of July 23rd features a triple play lineup of Sun, Moon, and Mars in the first degree of Leo.

The high path of Mars is to break out of slavery and liberate ourselves. The adverse Mars is destructive; the high Mars is brave and enterprising.

The spiritual Mars channels the creative powers of the Universe.

Negatively, Mars gives birth to treason, fires, and sudden death. But Mars is also a protector and brave warrior who fights to create lasting peace.

This week leading up to the new moon of July 23rd is powerful, but not necessarily peaceful. Mars is still getting his ‘groove’ on – smoothing out bumps in the road ahead.

What this means for you is: you don’t have to be perfect, you don’t even have to be great – you just need to be YOU! The best you that you can BE.